Prevention of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) through equitable assignment
Musculoskeletal Disorders can cost a company a lot of money, either directly or indirectly through a constantly rising insurance premium.
However, one of the factors contributing to MSDs is the allocation of personnel. With good management of who does what when on which machine, the hard work can be fairly distributed to prevent MSDs from occurring. An MSD vaccine of sorts!
In addition to its primary function of automatically assigning production staff, PeopleForce allows, among other things, to organize the management and monitoring of the factors that make the job difficult.
Since its creation, PeopleForce has come a long way, but still has its primary objective: to quickly assign your staff while taking into account your constraints in the field. The opening of your lines, your staff’s schedule, the skills of each person, are all criteria integrated into the functioning of PeopleForce.
And the drudgery in all this? PeopleForce has been taking care of it for a long time…
Beyond a simple legal formality, the management of job strain has much more to offer you. PeopleForce has always taken the hardship into account when planning personnel. By an equitable sharing of the arduous work stations, PeopleForce helps to prevent, among other things, musculoskeletal disorders (MSD).
The legal framework and employee representatives require you to record the exposure to hardship factors during the career of each employee? or… Using PeopleForce to place your staff allows you today to build up a history and to easily keep track of social peace.
This approach, which can cause a bit of panic at the organizational level, could well open up a great opportunity for you to rethink useful and efficient tools for a harmonious assignment.
Will PeopleForce soon be one of your indispensable tools?
We are convinced of it! Because the company’s staff will be grateful, the investment team will be relieved in the realization of an often thankless job. Moreover, the organization of work will be greatly improved, with the direct consequence of increased efficiency and better profitability.