Our solutions for
utilities and technical facilities

The roots of Synthetis go back to the creation of the Cimview software, the precursor of today’s SCADA software.

Today, Synthetis still maintains the Cimview software and supports its customers’ facilities.

In addition, Synthetis integrates its know-how in real-time management of a large amount of information in current production management projects. This translates into the integration of synoptic diagrams of steam and chilled water production, cleaning lines in place, various technical installations, etc. Synthetis’ Industrie 4.0 solutions integrate this information into the batch record: energy, cleaning in place, etc

Among our references

Synthetis - Référence - Brussels Airport
Synthetis - Référence - Arkea Banque Privée
Synthetis - Référence - Oberthur Fiduciaire
Synthetis - Référence - Société Wallonne des Eaux
Synthetis - Référence - Musée d'Orsay
Synthetis - Référence - Groupe Imprimerie Nationale
Synthetis - Référence - Carmeuse

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