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Why measure exposure to risk factors?

Exposure to risk factors in a plant can have harmful consequences for the health and safety of workers. It is therefore important to measure this exposure in order to identify sources of danger, assess risk levels and implement appropriate preventive measures.

Among the most common risk factors in a factory are cold, noise and vibration, as well as chemicals, radiation and dust. These factors can lead to occupational illness, accidents or musculoskeletal disorders.

Exposure to risk factors can therefore have short- or long-term effects on the body. For example, cold can cause frostbite, hypothermia or frostbite. Noise can cause hearing loss, stress or sleep disorders. Vibration can lead to musculoskeletal disorders, nerve damage or vascular disorders.

To measure exposure to risk factors, there are methods and instruments adapted to each situation. For example, for cold, a thermometer or anemometer can be used. For noise, you can use a sound level meter or a dosimeter. For vibration, you can use a vibrometer or an accelerometer.
Whatever the method, the aim is to determine whether or not exposure limit values are respected. These values are set by regulations or professional recommendations. They indicate the maximum level of exposure above which there is a risk to health or safety.
If exposure limit values are exceeded, preventive measures must be implemented to reduce exposure to risk factors. These measures may be technical (e.g. isolating sources of noise or vibration), organizational (e.g. limiting exposure time or alternating tasks) or individual (e.g. wearing personal protective equipment).

Measuring exposure to risk factors in your plant is therefore essential to protect the health and safety of your employees. It is also a legal obligation, and a shared responsibility between the employer and his employees.

Implementing permanent assessment methods helps you to comply with current regulations, improve working conditions and reduce costs linked to absenteeism, compensation and litigation. Finally, measuring exposure to risk factors contributes to the company’s performance and quality, by promoting employee well-being, motivation and productivity!

To simplify and optimize the day-to-day management of these risk and hardship factors, PeopleForce, a software solution that makes it easier and more efficient to assign staff to production workshops, will be your ideal partner!
PeopleForce enables you to rapidly create production staff schedules, taking into account the many constraints of your workshops: opening of lines and machines, individual skills, multi-skilling, staff scheduling, fairness of rests and replacements, management of tediousness and prevention of RSI, productivity objectives…
PeopleForce quickly saves time and increases efficiency, reducing risks and unnecessary direct labor, and boosting productivity.

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