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Manage competence and maintain versatility

A difficult balance between productivity and flexibility

If there’s one topic that’s in vogue, it’s this one: skills management and versatility maintenance. Yet, although overused, this is a powerful potential for optimizing the functioning of teams. Allocating staff according to their skills enables operators to be placed where they will be most effective, reduces training costs by ensuring that training is tailored to actual current and short-term needs and, moreover, enables full production capacity to be maintained during critical periods, such as vacations or peak seasons.

 In addition to its primary function of automatically assigning production personnel, PeopleForce enables, among other things, the optimal management of job skills and the maintenance of versatility…

Production lines perform better when a skilled worker operates them compared to someone with sufficient but basic training. Quality planning will ensure that skills are maintained while maximizing the use of the best skills.Si l’usine est saturée, un gain de rendement se traduit par une marge complémentaire.

  • If the plant is saturated, a gain in efficiency translates into an additional margin.
  • If the plant is not saturated, a gain in efficiency translates into a reduction in the required manpower.

In addition, the systematic maintenance of skills makes it possible to avoid retraining due to loss of skills. A lack of skill maintenance can have an impact during vacation periods – skill not available, impossible to approve a leave of absence …

Will PeopleForce soon be one of your indispensable tools ?

We are convinced of it! Because the company’s staff will be grateful, the investment team will be relieved in the realization of an often thankless job. Moreover, the organization of work will be greatly improved, with the direct consequence of increased efficiency and better profitability.